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Breast badge «25 days of Tank Attacks»
Combat qualification badge "For 25 tank attacks" (25 Panzer-Kampfabzeichen).
This badge was instituted by General von Brauchitsch on December 20, 1939 to recognize the merits of tank crews who took part in battles as part of motorized units. The design was developed by the Berlin firm Ernst Peekhaus. On June 6, 1940, a "bronze" version of the award was approved for awarding brigades of armored cars and other armored vehicles. As the war progressed, it became clear that the existing badge was clearly insufficient to recognize the growing number of experienced tank crews, and on June 22, 1943, four new classes of awards were introduced for participation in 25, 50, 75 and 100 attacks. These badges are in many ways reminiscent of unnumbered ones, with the only difference being that at the bottom of the award there is a plate indicating the number of attacks. This badge, like others similar to it, was to be worn on the left side immediately below the Iron Cross 1st class or similar award. If there were several classes of the badge, the highest one was worn.
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzer_Badge
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